10 days, 2 interviews, 3 hotel rooms, 4 different airplanes. It's good to be home. Really, it was overall a good trip with some not so great parts to it. It's just difficult to all be in a hotel room together for that long, especially when one member is an infant that sleeps at various times throughout the day. Both jobs he interviewed for have potential; one is almost exactly what we were hoping for when daydreaming about the perfect situation. Flying home went far smoother than flying there and the hour plus drive home- always the hardest part after flying all day with young kids who don't sleep in the car- went pretty well.
I'm going through the pictures I took, but here's one the day we left- Dillon all twitterpated at the trip ahead. Note the oh-so-very-pink Barbie suitcase (nevermind the kid rarely plays with a Barbie...) and the sparkly shoes. In the suitcase? Various toys that never got a moment's attention plus a pair of sandals that never got worn. The providence of childhood- someone else worries about the fact that you'll need underwear for your trip while you focus on the fun stuff :)
The only way to travel. Always thinking about how much fun you are going to have. Maybe we should all think like Dillon.
Good to see you back! Give me a call this week and we can hang out!
Hey the kid has style! Went shopping with my daughter and she got some Vera Wang shoes not unlike Dillon's. ;-)
Welcome HOME! Glad I can stil say that for not quite one more year!
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