Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!!

Dillon is really enjoying Christmas this year. We put the tree up a few days ago. She loved helping with the ornaments and loved having the lights layed out on the ground so she could jump over them. She's examined and re-examined all the ornaments and analyzed what they are all made of- glass, plastic, wood- and whether or not each will break. We opened presents this morning, with her favorite part being the wrapping paper. I should've wrapped a bunch of empty boxes, just so she could unwrap them! At some point, so stood up and declared "Dillon is just FASCINATED with these presents!"

What did she get for Christmas? Some fun musical instruments, playdoh, books, money gymnastics class, a wooden block set with farm animals and people, a guitar, a firetruck, a LeapFrog learning pad, a music box/snowglobe, some clothes and some stocking stuffers. Her favorites- all of them at this point. She pays with each for a little while, then moves on to something else. Right now, she's napping, resting up for another frenzied round of bouncing from toy to toy. Hopefully, we'll be able to get her to eat something amidst all this frenzy!

Yesterday, we played for almost 2 hours out in the snow. She slid down snow mounds, she dug holes in the snow, she stood up and sat down repeatedly down the length of the driveway so that it looked like the snowblower had blown a scalloped edge. The fun all came to an end when I accidently blew snow on her with the snowblower. With all the padding with the coat, snowpants, everything, it was more a surprise than a hurt, but it still rattled her enough that she wanted no more of playing in the snow. I'm sure it'll soon be forgotten. At least it better, or it'll be a long winter.....