Monday, December 31, 2007

Old Year's Conclusions

Shamelessly borrowing from a friend's blog in which she reflected back on the last year, I thought I'd do the same.

It's been a tough, tough year. There have been blessings, for sure- Corryn's birth, Dave finishing residency, discovery and correction of Corryn's spinal cord defect with mostly smooth sailing, but most importantly, no lasting effects. There have been some difficulties- the furnace dying, Corryn's broken arm, the stress of the job search. The adjustment to 2 kids has been challenging for me, I will admit. Between the demands of small kids and Dave's work hours, it has often felt like there is simply not enough of me to go around.

Through it all, though, I have gained and ability and an immense appreciation for leaning on friends and family. Contrary to the American way, I learned how to ask for help- and in the process learned how much it adds to your life. It doesn't make you helpless or weak to ask for help- it makes you human and lessens your load. I've had loving ears on which to voice concerns, vent frustrations, cry, laugh- whatever was needed. We've been fed numerous times and had the house cleaned for us (thanks moms!!) There's simply no way we'd have made it through this year without the help of others.

I'm not making new year's resolutions. I'm just going to keep trying remember what I've learned from 2007. I'm learning to relax a bit with caring for 2 kids and in the process have been able to laugh with them more. Dave and I have leaned heavily on each other through it all and look forward to things settling some in the next year. We continue to lean on each other through the job search as we try to balance the wants, needs and dreams of all those involved with the available jobs.

At one time, I couldn't wait for this year to end. Now, as I think back on it, in many ways, I feel proud to have survived it, am thankful for the things I can take away from it and hope for a little less of a roller coaster next year.


veganbaby said...

You had quite a year! It seemed to cascade down you all at once. Here is to a peaceful New Year and may we continue to build ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I know you have grown in this past year!!
Praying 2008 will be easier for you and family.
Keep looking forward!
