Sunday, October 01, 2006

Making applesauce

We had plans today to go pick apples, but Mother Nature had other plans. We woke up to pouring rain and watched it continue to do so all day long. Instead, we went by the orchard, ran into the tent and picked up a bag of pears, a bag of MacIntosh apples and a half gallon of cider, paid for them, ran back out to the car and came home, staying mostly dry along the way.

At home, we got out the apple peeler & peeled several apples to make applesauce. We also sliced up a couple of pears and apples to dehydrate in the oven so we'd have some dried fruit. As the applesauce turned into sauce, Dillon got the priviledge of adding the cinammon. We now have very liberally cinammoned applesauce! :) It is delicious though and turned out to be a nice way to spend a couple of hours.

I've really enjoyed thinking of educational and fun things for she & I to do together, especially since she isn't going to go to preschool (or even school, for that matter). I think it's really important that she knows where food comes from and what fresh food tastes like. We're really fortunate to live in the midst of many kinds of farms, so it's been great taking advantage of that opportunity. I enjoy cooking with her (far more than playing with toys...) and she seems to enjoy cooking with me. She's gotten pretty good and stirring without sloshing everything out of the bowls. Maybe she'll be cooking dinner for us in a couple of years...

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