Sunday, March 02, 2008

Job search update #5001

Here goes-

The TN job was filled. No further explanation than that was given, so that's all I have to share.

Virginia- we have a official job offer and they have asked for a response within 2 weeks. It would be a good job in a beautiful place.

Indiana- Dave met with the new medical director (Stan) friday. It went very well. Stan told Dave he wants him to work for him, so essentially another verbal offer. He will be meeting with all the powers that be on Monday. Supposedly, we are supposed to receive a written offer within a week. As always, we'll see.

The good news is that it really is almost settled. Finally.


flyingfisher said...

Glad to sew the new posts! And congratulations on the firm ofrer and the almost firm one!!!!! Phew. That's always a BIG relief. Now I wouldn't mind your being in VA since that's closer. You might even take a drive up North some time to see the leaves. ;-)

This winter has been miserable. Now I never mind snow on the ground, but I do mind snow onthe groudnnfrozen solid by rain! I haven't been out geocaching in forever and I, too, have been hangin' around In the house far too much watching my butt grow bigger and bigger. Sigh. I keep trying to get out on the suuny days. It helps to have to go to work.

I hate to tell ya, but that snow by your window might still be ther in June. In 2001 our Japanese friend's daughter, Kumi, came to stay at our house on June 10th and there was still one pile of snow in a shady spot in the back yard that day. The crows thought it an excelletn palce to get a drink.

Hang in there! And if you want company, I never mind messy houses as mine is usually in that state.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Finally the time. I am so proud of you two.